Ultimate Treasury: 1001 DnD 5E treasures, monsters, & magic
Created by Legendary Games
Legendary 5E hoards with magnificent magic items, guardian monsters, alchemy, technology, spellbooks & more! PDF, book, & card decks!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Chapter 13 is up! On to the final chapter! Plus Mechanical Monsters!
almost 2 years ago
– Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 03:50:27 PM
Hi all,
Thanks for your patience. With the holidays first and then the sudden OGL universal meltdown going on, it's been a crazy past several weeks and we had to rearrange some things to get stuff settled ASAP. Our Ultimate Treasury team is back on track with the penultimate chapter in this terrific tome of treasures: Chapter 13: Spells and Spellbooks! This chapter has been uploaded to Backerkit and can be downloaded there now!
The final chapter with all of our amazing backer items and artwork is next in line, and layout will be starting on that soon, and then we'll be able to button up the whole book and get the PDFs out to you and the final print files ready for our printer, both for this book and for the item cards, to review and get these books and cards rolling and hopefully ready in time for pickup at GenCon!
Last but not least, Mechanical Monsters! While we are cranking hard to the finish up the final bits of the Ultimate Treasury, one of our other teams has also completed work on Mechanical Monsters, our latest Quickstarter project for DnD 5E and Pathfinder RPG (with bonus add-ons also available for Starfinder). That project is right about the halfway point and is already over $30,000 and climbing, with 140 clockworks, cyborgs, robots, androids, and mechanical fey, fiends, oozes, and more! The 5E version should be ready for you as soon as the KS ends. We added the PFRPG book due to customer demand, and the Word doc is complete and with our layout artist now, so they'll start on that as soon as the 5E book is done. Add-ons like the Alien Bestiary and Alien Codex are already ready to go, and we've got Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds support available too!
Christmastime is here! And a missing chapter is near!
about 2 years ago
– Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 09:32:00 PM
Hi all,
Well, most of the book is ready and has been uploaded as a single compiled PDF on Backerkit, containing chapters 1-12, including the newly completed Chapter 9: Class Items!
We've also been backfilling additional artwork for multiple chapters, with more yet to come in the final edition.
We also discovered we'd somehow lost track of a whole chapter of this book, Chapter13: Spells and Spellbooks! Given the delays on the project, we decided to add new bonus content to this chapter that wasn't in the original Kickstarter, bringing the total to over 10,000 words, including 5 unique spellbooks with detailed history and lore, nearly a dozen new feats and class options, and nearly three dozen new spells! This chapter was finished and sent over to layout along with the accompanying artwork and will be the next chapter released. That pushes our collection of backer items to Chapter 14: The Enchanter's Vault, which will be going over to layout next week.
We had hoped to get all parts of this book done in time for Christmas but it's not quite there. It's very close, and we've been happy to keep sending updates so you can enjoy everything that's complete (and for the sake of accountability and transparency, so you don't just have to take our word for it that things are getting close to finished).
We hope you enjoy chapters 1-12 of the Ultimate Treasury, and we'll have Chapter 13 in your hands soon and Chapter 14 ASAP after that. Thanks for your generous support in making this project happen and our apologies again for the delay in production on this book. We know you're gonna love it! We'll let you know as soon as each item is up and ready for you.
Meanwhile, Merry Christmas and/or the happiest of holidays and new year to you all. May you find happiness and joy as this year ends and in the year to come!
Chapter 11 is up in Backerkit, Chapter 9 off to layout! One chapter left!
about 2 years ago
– Fri, Dec 09, 2022 at 09:55:53 PM
Hi all,
Thanks for your patience as we push this project to completion! I've just uploaded one of the biggest chapters in the book for you Chapter11: Technological Treasures! You can download this chapter and check out all the awesome goodies in there right now!
I've also completed final edits on Chapter 9: Class Items, including a set of specialized items for every base class in the 5E PHB, plus an extra set of Companion Items for your mounts, companion animals, and familiars! That chapter is now in layout!
Last but not least, we'll have your chapter of backer contributed items! I'll be working on that starting this weekend and into next week and getting it over to layout ASAP so we can get it out for you to see and, of course, begin final assembly on the completed book! Fingers crossed we'll be ready to go in time for a Merry Christmas!
Updated Chapter 12 is up with full art!
about 2 years ago
– Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 08:16:51 PM
Hi all,
The updated Chapter 12 Beta version is up in Backerkit now, with full artwork! The final chapters are underway but wanted to update this one for you! Hope these tricky treasure monsters are a blast to unleash on your heroes!
Chapter 12: Hoard Monsters Beta Version is up!
about 2 years ago
– Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 05:47:00 PM
Hi all,
One of the fun things about this book of treasures is that it's not just treasures perse, but we've also got a bunch of creatures that can guard treasures because many of them ARE treasures! The Beta chapter here is missing a few art pieces (they are done; we are just waiting for final layout to insert them). Head on over to your Backerkit account and you can download the new chapter!
We've also completed our second pass on Chapter 5 to finalize that section of the book with an incredible collection of rods, staves, and wands, including all of the awesome illustrations.
We are allllmost done! The remaining chapters to get done in layout are Class Items, Technological Treasures, and last but not least the special chapter of your contributions to the Ultimate Treasury! We appreciate your patience as we continue to grind to get this one done and look forward to having the complete collection it in your hands soon!
As our Ultimate Treasury people approach the finish line, our separate Ultimate Faeries Kickstarter team is also hammering away on their project! If you haven't checked it out yet we encourage you to give it a look, with 15 days to go ending on November 30th, with beautiful books like Faerie Campaigns, the Faerie Bestiary, and more for DnD 5E and support for Pathfinder 1E and 2E. We're over 1000 backers just past the halfway mark and looking forward to a fantastic finish. Make the fey in your campaign truly magical and mysterious with hundreds of monsters, magic items, spells, class options, feats, and more, plus adventures, GM tools, faerie bargains and relationships, and beyond. We hope you and your group love what you'll find inside!