
Ultimate Treasury: 1001 DnD 5E treasures, monsters, & magic

Created by Legendary Games

Legendary 5E hoards with magnificent magic items, guardian monsters, alchemy, technology, spellbooks & more! PDF, book, & card decks!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Two more Ultimate Treasury beta chapters are up on Backerkit!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 09:06:59 PM

Hi all,

Layout is continuing to work away, and we've uploaded the beta versions of Chapter 1: Treasure Hoards and Chapter 6: Armor and Shields to Backerkit for you! We'll continue uploading beta chapters as they get completed in layout so you'll have all of the base material for your magic, then go back and assemble the full book with complete art. We won't quite reach our goal of finishing by the end of August, but we're catching up as quickly as we're able and will keep getting you each new section as we have it! 

Fantasy Grounds Massive Magic Bundle keys sent!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 03:03:23 PM

Hi all,

After quite a while of going round and round, it turned out we were not able to get a bundle put together for all of the magic item modules on Fantasy Grounds. Once that became apparent, we went ahead and exported codes for all of the magic item modules to a spreadsheet with the emails of everyone who ordered them in Backerkit, and I've just finished sending them out email. If you encounter a problem with your product keys, or if you ordered them and did not receive them, let us know! I sent out each batch of codes as an individual email, so it shouldn't trip any spam filters the way a bulk email would. 

We'll have another update on the PDF chapters coming your way soon but wanted to let our Fantasy Grounds fans know that their modules are on the way! 

COVID sucks! But new magic item VTT modules do not!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 12:29:48 AM

Hi all,

GenCon has just gone past this last week, and I hope that any of you who were able to attend come back healthy, safe, and sound from the festivities. Legendary Games did not attend this year, as some folks in the family have compromised immune systems... but alas even me staying home from the con didn't quite protect everyone. One son is just getting over it and the other has now caught it. So... fun! I am still able to get things done, though more of my attention than usual is devoted to the home and family situation.

More directly relevant to this project, our layout artist (who lives in another state entirely) has also come down with a case of COVID and it is hitting him like a ton of bricks. He's getting in a little work each day as he can but obviously that's slowed down progress. We hope and pray for a swift recovery and back up to normal speed, but just wanted to keep you up to date. 

Meanwhile, we hope you all stay safe, love our loved ones, and enjoy your game time whenever you can! We do have two small bits of news for you! 

1.  We've been working hard to expand our VTT offerings, and we are pleased to announce that the creepy horrors of the Treasury of the Macabre and the demon-haunted Treasury of the Crusade are both available now on Shard VTT for 5E! Treasury of the Pharaohs is in production now, with more magic item modules coming your way soon! 

2.  If you haven't checked it out yet, please do consider a pledge to our Ultimate Warriors Quick-Starter for tons of killer class material for fighters, barbarians, monks, and more, with D&D 5E and Pathfinder RPG options available! We're already well-funded, and in just the first 5 days have nearly matched what our original Battlemasters & Berserkers Quick-Starter did in its whole 15-day run! We appreciate everyone who has contributed and hope you'll check it out! 

VTT Link Update, Beta Chapters in Backerkit, and Ultimate Warriors is here!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Aug 05, 2022 at 11:40:14 AM

Hi all, happy news today! 

  • We got our second batch of download codes from Roll20, so everyone should have received their VTT keys for our Massive Magic Bundle on Roll20. I have a few extra codes so in case anyone is missing theirs, let me know and I'll get you set up. We are still waiting on Fantasy Grounds to approve the new bundle, and most of their staff is at GenCon this week, so we are hoping to have those ready next week to send out to FG backers!
  • Back from his family trip, our new layout person has been banging away and, in retrospect, it might have been faster to have him just start completely fresh rather than retrofitting the work that was already done. Kind of like remodeling a house, there are just a lot of things to fix along the way. That said, following the suggestion of one of our backers we are releasing the individual chapters as we get them completed in beta. The final versions will have more art than the beta chapters, but we wanted to start getting these up and out to you ASAP! So log into your Backerkit and check your digital downloads for Chapter 3: Books and Scrolls, Chapter 4: Rings, and Chapter 5: Rods, Staves, and Wands! More chapters are coming your way soon, and then the whole kit and kaboodle should be in your hands by the end of the month! 
  • While we've been catching up on Ultimate Treasury, another of our teams has completed another one of our short QUICK-starter projects, so we invite you to check out the Ultimate Warrior project for D&D 5E and Pathfinder 1E!

This incredible double-shot of martial mayhem comes with a pair of books for your favorite fighting classes in both systems! 5E fans who missed our Battlemasters & Berserkersproject last year can pick up this incredible 72-page collection of archetypes, items, backgrounds, weapons, alternate class features, and more for barbarians and fighters! Pathfinder1E players go even bigger with Legendary Classes: Sword and Fist, with amazing options for the barbarian, brawler, cavalier, fighter, gunslinger, monk, samurai, and swashbuckler, with nearly 300 archetypes, cavalier orders, swashbuckler personages, magic items, feats, prestige classes, and more alternate class features and new abilities than you can shake a sword or a fist at!

This is a QUICKSTARTER project, lasting just 15 days, but we don't just mean a quick campaign. Quick means your PDFs will be available immediately after the campaign ends and all print books and add-ons, including incredible monk and martial arts options in Martial Arts Multipack, leading a squad of soldiers or zombie horde with Ultimate Commander, and more, including Fantasy Grounds support, will be headed your way as soon as our 20 Kickstarters of experience can get them up and out the door! Whether you like 5E, Pathfinder, or both, grab your gear and put on your war face because it is time to bring the pain to every monster in your path with the Ultimate WarriorKickstarter!

We launch today but it all ends August 19th, so spread the word and pledge today! YOU GOTTA FIGHT! 

Quick Update on Roll20 Keys!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 01:41:05 AM

Hi all,

We've had a number of questions from folks on how to use your Roll20 codes/keys, so I'm putting the link to their help page here showing how to use them. Sorry, should have done that originally (I'll definitely do it for the codes I'll be sending out shortly for the Mythos Monsters project!).

A few of you did not get your codes yet. We had an export glitch so only requested 154 codes, but one subgroup was accidentally left out of that export (about 8 additional codes). I've requested more codes from Roll20 and will get those sent out as soon as I receive them. If you were one of the people who didn't get a code yet, that's probably why. All codes were sent out singly (not in a batch job) from [email protected], so they shouldn't have tripped anyone's spam filters, but that's always a good thing to check.

Meanwhile, work continues apace! We look forward to getting this book wrapped up and out to you (and to the printer) in August, so here's another item art preview for you! 

Dragon's Eye Staff by Brendan Lancaster (Ultimate Enchanter item for Zythral of WOL)