Ultimate Treasury: 1001 DnD 5E treasures, monsters, & magic
Created by Legendary Games
Legendary 5E hoards with magnificent magic items, guardian monsters, alchemy, technology, spellbooks & more! PDF, book, & card decks!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Backerkit Survey is up!
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 07:18:13 PM
Hi all,
After tweaking some of the shipping and weight parameters from the Smoke Test (thanks for feedback; things were a little off), we sent the survey out live to everyone last night! Please take a minute to review and respond at your earliest convenience so we can get things buttoned up. It's a great chance to add some extra items you were pondering earlier but hadn't decided on for sure, but please do reply even if it's just to say "yes, my info is correct" and nothing more. A couple of quick notes:
1. Ultimate Kingdoms PDF Add-On PriceIssue: This add-on had a typo in the price on Kickstarter ($29 instead of $19), but once a KS starts and someone has pledged you can't edit it. If you're one of the fans who ordered that add-on in Kickstarter, you got charged $29 in Kickstarter but in specifying your add-ons in Backerkit the correct charge of $19 was applied, which leaves you with a $10 credit.
What can I do with this credit? If you have a physical pledge or any other add-ons you want to include in Backerkit, you can simply apply your credit there. Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected](or through the "Backer support" in Backerkit) and we can refund $10 to you via Paypal. As a third option, you could select one or more LG PDFs from our website up to $15 and we'll send it to you instead. Let us know your preference and we'll get it sorted.
2. When Will PDF Add-Ons Be Available? For the base pledges, we sent the PDFs for already-completed items out through DrivethruRPG the day after the Kickstarter. If you order a digital add-on through Backerkit or Kickstarter, you'll be able to download those directly from Backerkit once we lock orders and charge cards, which will be in 10 days. For VTT add-ons, we need to get download codes/keys from the vendors, and we'll send those out manually.
If you have any questions, by all means let us know and we'll get right back to you as soon as we can! Thanks again for your amazing support!
Backerkit Smoke Test Sent! And Mythos Monsters is now LIVE for Pathfinder 1E & 2E (plus 5E if you missed it)!
over 2 years ago
– Wed, Jun 08, 2022 at 11:43:22 PM
We got our Backerkit survey submitted Monday and we've been approved to send out our "smoke test" survey, which goes to 5% of all backers so we can test the survey and make sure there are no errors or points of confusion that need to be fixed. If you receive your survey, please reply ASAP so we can check things. If all goes well, we'll send out the survey to everyone tomorrow!
While our 5E layout folks continue hammering away on the Ultimate Treasury, our Pathfinder team has been hard at work too and today we are excited to launch MYTHOS MONSTERS for Pathfinder 1E and 2E! If you missed our Mythos Monsters 5E Kickstarter last year, you can grab that here too at the discounted Kickstarter price! Like that project, this is a 15-day QUICK-starter; the PDFs are *done* and there will be immediate fulfillment as soon as the project ends, with shipping soon thereafter. For fans who like PF1 and PF2 (or want to add the 5E version to their collection), we hope you check it out!
Art continues to come in on our Ultimate Enchanter pledges, and things are looking great! We just wanted to share another of these delightful items you folks have come up with to enhance this book!
Last but not least, if you want to keep tabs on upcoming Kickstarters, Jellop has a First Backer newsletter. They managed our advertising on the Ultimate Treasury project and work with a lot of game publishers and other Kickstarters out there to help spread the word.
Backerkit Survey coming soon! Art already coming back for Ultimate Enchanters!
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Jun 04, 2022 at 05:50:18 PM
Hi all,
After a family camping trip and our first convention in three years, we came back to several days of electrical repairs on the house and temporary power outage (when it rains, it pours), but in happier news we are back on track and rolling along.
1. Backerkit: We should be completing the Backerkit survey this weekend and be ready to send out the test survey next week (it sometimes takes several days for Backerkit to approve it once finalized, so we plan to have it in to them by Monday so as soon as we get it back, we can send it out to you). That will be your opportunity to enter any further information, pay for shipping, and decide if you want to include any add-on items to your order.
2. Page Samples: Layout has been proceeding apace and is looking lovely. We've got another chapter back from layout that we've just finished reviewing and will be showing off for you in the next update!
3. Magic Items: For this update, though, we've got magic item art! Thanks to all of you Ultimate Enchanters and Enchant an Item backers who have sent in your information (if you haven't yet, please get it back ASAP!). This chapter is the last one in the book, but we still want to get it finalized, so if you've got art as part of your pledge, we need to get that assigned right away. The first set of art orders went out before our trip and artwork is already coming back, so we wanted to share some of those with you below, including different stages of work!
Two more chapters off to layout, and we need your items!!!
over 2 years ago
– Mon, May 23, 2022 at 12:57:23 AM
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to give some quick updates!
1. If you are an Ultimate Enchanter, first of all thanks for your generous support, and second: We need your items! I've just sent a message to those backers but just for the sake of completeness I'm adding a note here in the update. You can send your item via Kickstarter messenger or via regular email to [email protected]. It's also doubly important that we get a visual description of your item so we can send it to our art team to get moving on it ASAP. If you have a drawing, photo, or reference image (including something you found online), by all means send us that as well!
2. If you pledged for the Enchant an Item add-on, the same goes for you: We need your items!!! So far, I've got about a dozen, but if you haven't sent yours along yet, please do so ASAP, especially if just have an item concept and you want us to develop it into final rules text. We also need your name as you want it to appear in the book along with your item.
3. For both #1 and #2, we should issue a reminder that any item you submit cannot contain references to proper names from any company's IP. Anything from Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Dragonlance, or even just core D&D names like Shadowfell and Feywild are off limits, but we can of course make similar names like "Shadow Realm" or "Fey Lands" - it's just the exact words that we can't publish.
4. Last but not least, we've sent off two more chapters to layout. Chapter 10: Artifacts, Relics, and Accursed Items and Chapter 12: Hoard Monsters. Next up, right in between, Chapter 11: Technological Treasures, and we've been getting in a last couple of pieces of art for that section of the book that we wanted to share with you!
over 2 years ago
– Fri, May 20, 2022 at 03:10:31 AM
First of all, thanks to each and every one of you for your contributions to the Ultimate Treasury project! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us create amazing products for you! We offer up our final tips of the cap to Marion H. (backer #1600), to Nitin P. as our very last backer, getting in their pledge for the hardcover and Loot Cards with just 1 minute to go, and to Naomi L. for pushing us across the $95,000 line to unlock the Classy Items stretch goal for rogues... and sorcerers... and warlocks... and wizards! We're gonna go ahead and do 'em all, and we hope you enjoy these special class-focused items for every core class in 5E!
We are going to take deep breath and relax the rest of the evening but will be working on next steps soon. Tonight is a time to celebrate, but you've also put your money down on the table and we wanted to share the roadmap for what's coming up soon!
Ultimate Enchanter and Enchant an Item magic items: If you added one of these pledges, you can send your magic item (either fully written by you, or if you just have a concept that you want *us* to create for you) to us at [email protected]. We also need to know what name you'd like attached to your item (whether it's your real name, a nickname, your favorite character's name, or anything else you like). If you're an Ultimate Enchanter, please also send us a description of how you'd like your item to look so we can provide that to our artistsand start them working on your illustration.
Credit Cards: Kickstarter bills all cards when the project successfully funds. Every project, there are always some cards that are declined, sometimes due to balance issues, sometimes due to zealous fraud protection alerts, or it could just be a typo in the card number. Check your credit card and Kickstarter messages, as if they have a problem with your card, they'll typically retry it every 3-5 days. If you get a message saying there was an issue with your card, give it a look ASAP.
Pledge Manager: We are starting to get this set up and it should be ready to send out the first week of June (they recommend sending it 14 days after the Kickstarter ends). This will be where shipping is calculated and charged, where you can enter your mailing address, and where you'll have the opportunity to pick up extra items. Some people spread out some of their pledge between Kickstarter and Backerkit just to spread out the cost over two different months of credit card billing (Backerkit does not charge until we lock orders, which we will not be doing until sometime in June), and sometimes people just like to add on something extra. Either way, you'll be able to see your order from Kickstarter, the amount you pledged, and get any extras you want there, including PDFs, books, cards, and VTT modules. Even if you're not adding anything, please reply to the Backerkit survey when it comes out.
Retailer Level: For all backers at this level, I'll be reaching out soon with a wholesale price list for the items and you can let me know how many of each you'd like to order for your store. I also can get your mailing address so I can calculate shipping. I'll send out a manual Paypal invoice to retail backers, as it's much easier to customize it that way rather than trying to finagle special cases through the pledge manager.
Price Error on Ultimate Kingdoms PDF Add-On: It was pointed out that this item was mis-priced in Kickstarter Add-Ons as $29 instead of $19. While we can't edit add-ons after the KS launches, we *can* set the price correctly in the Pledge Manager. Anyone ordering it there will get it at the correct price. Anyone who's already ordered it in Kickstarter will end up with a $10 credit that they can apply to shipping or any extra items they want to include.
We of course are delighted you supported this project, but THEHYPE TRAIN HAS NO BRAKES, and we'd be remiss if we didn't give you at least a foretaste of projects coming later this year:
Mythos Monsters (Pathfinder 1E & 2E) Quickstarter: We created the Mythos Monsters 5E bestiary last year, and our Pathfinder fans asked if we could do it for those systems too, so it's coming soon. The Pathfinder 1E version is nearly finished in layout and the PF2 version is in development. For any 5E fans who missed the original Kickstarter, you'll be able to order Mythos Monsters 5E as part of this project too. If the response is good, we'll likely do the same for Asian Monsters and Sea Monsters!
Mechanical Monsters (D&D 5E): Another Quickstarter running 2-3 weeks chock-a-block full of robots, cyborgs, androids, clockwork creatures, and an array of malevolent machines! As an add-on, we'll also be offering our beautiful 448-page Alien Bestiary for a revised reprint, as we did with the Pirate Campaign Compendium and our Sea Monsters project last year!
Ultimate Faeries (D&D 5E, Pathfinder 1E & 2E): Just about ready to start layout, this beautiful hardcover is a massive bestiary of fey and fairy tale creatures, plus a wealth of material for running fey-themed campaigns with character options, spells, feats, adventures, faerie bargains and mystic hauntings, ready-to-use NPCs, and more!
Ultimate Horror (D&D 5E, Pathfinder 1E & 2E): Aiming for Halloween, an awesome assembly of horror monsters, magic, spells, mad scientists, mutations, sinister spellbooks, madness-inducing horror, and more.
If any of those strike your fancy, keep an eye out for them heading your way! We thank you once more for your support in making this project truly Legendary and we hope you have as much fun using our products as we had making them!